How to Grow Sunflowers

Estimated read time 4 min read


Sunflowers are native to North America and can grow quite tall, reaching up to 12 feet high. They produce large, gorgeous daisy-like yellow flowers that follow the sun and make people smile. With a little time, effort, and the right conditions, you can grow thriving sunflowers that will brighten up your garden.

How to Grow Sunflowers?

Plant seedlings after the last frost date

Wait until soil temperatures reach at least 60°F before planting out sunflowers. This is typically after the last spring frost.

Prepare the soil

Sunflowers prefer well-draining, nutrient-rich soil. Work compost or organic matter into the soil to make it loose and friable.

Space plants properly

Space dwarf varieties 20-24 inches apart and taller varieties 36-48 inches apart. This allows space for their stems and leaves to grow without crowding.

How to Grow Sunflowers?

Water thoroughly after planting

Make sure the soil is damp a few inches deep around the roots to help the seedlings establish.

Plant seeds 1-2 inches deep

Place seeds pointed end up and cover lightly with soil.Gently tamp down soil.


Apply mulch to conserve moisture and regulate soil temperature. Use shredded leaves, straw, or compost as mulch around sunflowers.

Provide support for taller varieties

Tall sunflowers will need stakes or cages for support as they grow. Place supports when planting.

Monitor moisture levels

Water sunflowers deeply and infrequently, about 1-2 inches of water per week. Use a rain gauge or moisture meter to check soil moisture.

How to Care for Sunflowers?

Weeding: Hand pull weeds as needed, being careful not to damage sunflower roots. Mulching will help suppress weeds.

Watering: Water thoroughly once or twice a week depending on temperatures and rainfall. Established sunflowers are drought tolerant.

Fertilizing: Fertilize once or twice a month with a balanced, general purpose fertilizer during the growing season.

Pests: Avoid overwatering to prevent fungal diseases. Cutworms and aphids may attack young plants; control with organic sprays as needed.

Deadheading: Remove faded flowers to encourage more blooms and a longer flowering period.

Winterizing: Allow sunflowers to go to seed in the fall for feeding birds. Cut stalks back in late fall before heavy frosts.

How to Care for Sunflowers?


How tall do sunflowers grow?

Sunflowers can grow anywhere from 3 feet to over 12 feet tall, depending on the variety. Dwarf varieties stay under 3 feet, while some tall varieties can reach 12 feet or more.

What soil do sunflowers like?

Sunflowers prefer rich, well-draining soil that is high in organic matter. They do not like wet feet, so the soil should drain well. Amending the soil with compost or other organic matter before planting helps.

How deep should I plant sunflower seeds?

Plant sunflower seeds 1 to 2 inches deep. Seeds that are planted too shallow may dry out, while those planted too deep may have trouble sprouting. Cover seeds lightly with soil and tamp down lightly.

Do sunflowers need full sun?

Yes! Sunflowers need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day to grow properly. They won’t produce big, beautiful blooms in partial shade.

How far apart should I plant sunflowers?

Space dwarf varieties 20 to 24 inches apart. Space taller varieties, which reach 6 feet or more, 36 to 48 inches apart to allow room for their spreading branches and foliage.

Do sunflowers attract bees?

Yes! Sunflowers are a favorite of bees and other pollinators because of their abundant nectar and pollen. Planting sunflowers can help support bee populations in your garden.

Do I need to stake sunflowers?

Taller varieties of sunflowers, over 6 feet tall, will likely need staking or cages to support their heavy blooms and keep the stalks from falling over. Stake young plants before they begin flowering.


With proper care and a little patience, you’ll soon be enjoying the beauty of homegrown sunflowers. From tall varieties to smaller pollinator attractors, there are many different types of sunflowers to choose from to suit your garden style. With steady watering, annual feeding, and some staking of support for taller varieties, you’ll grow sunflowers that will reward you with months of cheerfulness and beauty.

Amara Williams

Amara Williams is the founder of, a passionate gardener, and a dedicated advocate for sustainable gardening practices. With over 15 years of experience in horticulture, Amara has a deep understanding of plant nutrition and the role of fertilizers in optimizing plant health. Through her expertise and commitment to providing reliable information, she aims to help gardeners make informed decisions and cultivate thriving gardens. Amara's love for nature and her desire to create a greener world continue to inspire her work at

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